Book: We Were Never Here
Author: Andrea Bartz
Date Read:
Stars: ★★★☆☆

Challenge: 2022 PopSugar Reading Challenge
#33 A book with a quote from your favorite author on the cover or Amazon page

College best friends Emily and Kristen are on their annual overseas trip to a random country, Chile. The previous year, they were in Cambodia where they threw a body off a cliff to drown in deep waters. Now in Chile, a similar chance takes the life of a backpacker. When the friends cover their tracks to bury the bloody corpse, things take a turn for the worse. When they return to the United States authorities unearth the body in Chile and it becomes the number one news, especially since the deceased was a United States citizen. The girls begin to question the strength of their friendship. Are they able to get away with murder?

Bartz’s tone and amazing writing induced my anxiety at every chapter. My heart palpitated like a metronome at 200 bpm as Emily narrated the past and the progression regression of her crumbling life. However, it was a ride that sped up to a disappointing climax. In the end, everything was tied in a neat bow when it should have been splattered with detailed litigation, social, and media chaos.